sleazy MPs

3737 days ago

Tim Yeo MP – A Scumbag, sleazy MP tries to hide the truth of his failings

Tim Yeo has been de-selected by his local Conservative association in the safe Tory seat of South Suffolk but of course it is not his fault is it?  Yeo is a member of the political class and so he knows better than we plebs.

This odious slug says that the shrinking membership of the Tories now has views which might make the party unelectable. Because of their “extreme” views on Europe and climate change they have got rid of him, a decent, hardworking, moderate compassionate conservative. It is hard to know where to start.

Yeo is famed at Westminster for trousering vast sums from green firms where he is a chairman, an investor or non-exec whilst at the same time pushing for ever more draconian policies (and taxpayer subsidies) to fight climate change. What he fails to appreciate is that:

1. Firstly this stinks as an arrangement
2. Secondly


3821 days ago

Tom’s video postcard #50 – Sleazy MPs at it again on the expenses front

You would have thought that greedy MPs have by now decided to err on the side of caution when it comes to expenses. Oh no. Think again.

Before we start on that I hope you can see that I now sport a 17 day old Movember moustache and if you care to sponsor my Movember efforts you can do so here.

This MP scandal is over office rents. And it goes to the heart of the battle between the political classes and we mere plebs.

My financial video postcard covers Crony capitalism on the AIM Cesspit and how to start to deal with it.  
